Just thoughts and updates on our little family!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Verdict is in!!

Our ultrasound went well today. Bens took a guess at what we were having before we started and he said a boy and that it was a brother. (Usually he would answer our questions with boy and sister!)

We are happy to tell you all that we are going to be having a baby boy join our family in November! I asked Bens what we should name baby and he said 'Baby Brother'. I think will pass that one by and choose something else!

The count for Harker grand-babies by the end of this year is 4 girls and 4 boys... What are the chances of that?


Brandon and Bethany said...

YAY! Brandon told me, and it totally made my day.


Brittany Roscheck said...

Exciting! I didn't know you were pregnant again. Yay for little boys!

Julie said...

I knew it! haha not really...congrats!!