Just thoughts and updates on our little family!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Easter!

We had a nice Easter weekend.  Benson was on Spring break the week leading up to it we had a nice break leading into it.

We have a couple of pictures of our sweet little Taylor!  Some of you may have seen this on Facebook.  The next morning she had an even nastier mess.  I didn't have a camera available  but my mom was able to see via Skype.  It was bad!!

Taylor being a sleepy head.  I went in to get her up and found this angel face!

After a bit of prodding she gave me this face.

On Saturday the Easter Bunny came over and left a special message for the kids made of candy!

Benson coming up from quiet time and seeing all the loot!

Bens mid hunt.

McKay and his cut of candy!

Kimber pausing for the camera.

Kinds in action.

Special picture of these two kidlets.

McKay's funny smile.

They had a great time with the hunt.  After dinner we let them eat as much candy as they wanted and then sent them to bed.  It was a really nice day.  Rachel and Spencer came over and watched the hunt with us and even got a candy or two out of the kids!

Sunday was nice and low key.  We did a ham dinner and had some friends and Daniel's cousin over to help eat it all!  We have so much leftover!!

I hope that you had a great Easter as well.  Yesterday morning during breakfast I was able to have a nice chat with the kids about the meaning of Easter and both Benson and Kimber were able to tell me parts of the Easter story.  I am grateful for such wonderful kids and for the gospel in our lives.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Nice to share in their experiences, Cheltz. Thanks for sharing