Just thoughts and updates on our little family!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Something Happened Today!

 The "February Blast" made it to Portland via the "Polar Express"!

Daniel went to class as there was a late start to the day instead of the cancellations we have experienced during some past exam weeks!  We really are hoping class is canceled tomorrow.  Let me rephrase, I am hoping but Daniel is not as he has 2 patients tomorrow.

I took the kids out to play in the snow.  I know back home this is nothing but for our kids it is the best thing!

 Kimber bundled and ready to go.  She wasn't so sure about walking on the grass with boots and the snow!

She fell down and sat there worrying about the snow stuck on her boots and gloves.

This is how excited Benson was for the snow!  I asked him to show me how excited he was and he gave me this cheese of a smile!

Here is to hoping that we survive this "crazy" weather.  Really was it worth canceling Oprah on Tuesday for a breaking news broadcast on how to stock up and prepare for the "February Blast"?


Kathy said...

oh, may we have a blast like that! We are going down to -31 overnight tonight! Love, Mom

Julie said...

I know! Seriously! I hate when they cancel my shows to show dumb stuff!

Brandon and Bethany said...

I hate it when they cancel shows to show stupid blazers games.