Just thoughts and updates on our little family!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So here are a few videos from this week. The kids are growing up way too fast! Bens has been more independent which is kinda difficult for me. It is all a part of growing up I guess!

Kimber likes eating a lot more! She does a great job of opening her mouth as you can see!

Kimber has become a bit of a spoon biter though! She is so silly!

Bens has been playing with his play-doh a lot which also means he has eaten it. He didn't enjoy that so much! He is really good at putting it away before he gets a new color or going to play with something else.

I think Bens enjoyed his breakfast!

Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

As of Late!

Here is a quick... ok not so quick... over view of the past 2-ish months since we got back here. Daniel is in his last week of classes for this term. Not this Sunday but the next Daniel will be officially finished his first half of Chiropractic school! Yay! Until then though we will be getting through a week of school and a week of 13 finals and 6 board exams. Unfortunately he was scheduled to write some boards on Sunday so by the end of that day both of us will be happy to spend the next two weeks doing nothing together!

We started Kimber on rice cereal when we got back from Christmas... umm, she didn't like it too much!

Bens also graduated his baby to solids! Some may remember him nursing his baby. It is scary how much kids learn just by watching! I am slowly learning what things I need to stop doing.

Bens got this apron and chef hat from his Grandma for Christmas. He looks so cute wearing it! He got it out himself and wanted me to put it on him!

I went to get Bens up from his nap one day and he was sleeping against the wall. Unfortunately it was dinner time so he had to get up!

Kimber's hair is getting long enough that I can start using her bows now (sadly enough I lost all but one of them!) and her bald spot is filling in. She is growing up too fast!

Bens' rule I guess is if Kimber gets a picture taken he does too. He is such a good brother and is always trying to help out!

Kimber loves to play peek-a-boo. Earlier in day she had been lifting up her shirt to hide her face!

Bens did this all on his own. I just found him after he got the diaper. He ended up saying that this one was dirty. I hid it from him but he found it and threw a good diaper away, yikes!!

Coming Home

So I promise I am almost caught up now. Here is the events of our car ride back to Portland.

First here are a few pictures of New Year's at my parents place!

Bens and Kimber chillin' with my Grandpa.

My Grandpa lives just behind my parents so he came over and got to visit with all of us and joined us for our Tacky Party!

We all dressed up tacky (Daniel and I had taken off most of our outfits by this point) and had a white elephant gift exchange.

We then made our way upstairs for dinner of hot dogs and chocolate milk and anything else that was laying around the house. Our beautiful table cloth was made of newspaper and duct tape.

Here is Bens on the way home. I think he was a little bored so he got creative with what to do. He couldn't even see Kimber on the way home as she was behind me and there was a box in between them. Our van was a little full!

So a few years ago when one of my cousins was a little older than Bens my brother taught him to say 'Don't you ever die!' I tried to teach Bens but as usual he was more interested in seeing himself on the camera. You can also see a big ol' wad of gum in his mouth. We were in a gas station doing a potty break and Bens saw a gum ball machine, one of the ones where you watch the gum ball twirl down to the opening at the bottom. He wouldn't move from it so I bought him his first gum ball. Luckily it was white! I didn't think about the fact that it was huge and would make a mess! He had fun and I had my eyes glued on him until I got the gum away from him so he wouldn't choke on it or fall asleep with it in his mouth!

We have been blessed with kids that travel well. They really have now choice though. We have always lived far away from family so going to visit means going on long car rides!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Christmas Break

So I am sitting here realizing that it is really sad that it takes my tv dying on me for me to sit down and continue my Christmas blog update. I was sitting down after dinner with Kimber and the tv slowly turned off. Now we will be forgoing a trip out to the coast with some friends to stay in a beach house so we can get a new tv. Our Wii isn't worth much without one!

I found Bens eating like this and thought it was pretty funny. I don't know what made him decide to eat like that!

Christmas at my parents was kinda crazy this year. Everybody was there which meant three toddlers and three babies. It was great! Bens loved his presents from Nana and Papa. He frequently goes to the fridge and gets the play-doh out to play with it!

As soon as Bens opened this present he was in heaven. We set up to the side and he played there until we were done opening presents. We would pull him back over to open more presents and then he would go right back over to the mat!

Some may remember my post a few months ago about The Dress. My Mom was given a present from her dear friend and we were asked to tape it for them. So here it is!

Well, that's it for tonight. Have a great night!