Just thoughts and updates on our little family!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

So I have been having trouble keeping up with things lately, blogging being one of them. I have mounds of laundry that needs to be folded and put away plus mounds of laundry that needs to be washed and then folded and put away. I just don't feel like doing any of it.

About a month and a half ago our Relief Society was given the challenge of earning a "Degree of Self Reliance". Yes I am about a month and a half behind on most of it but I figure this might give me the motivation to get that laundry washed and put away.

So let me explain a little bit about my degree I will be earning. We were given a booklet that had 12 "Colleges" in it with goals in each of the colleges that we would have to set and achieve by November. I am working towards getting my Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. To get this degree I will have to complete 8 goals in the College of Psychology, 5 goals in the College of Theology and 3 goals in each of the other colleges.

To some that know me really well you may be surprised I am actually doing this as I am not one that will do this type of thing usually. When in Relief Society I usually sit there and listen but not participate other than playing the piano when needed. I am going to be using the blog as a measure of how I am doing. It will be a way for me to be held accountable. Please bear with me as I list each of my goals and in later posts update on the progress I am making. So sorry there are no pictures this time...just a lot of words!

College of Psychology
1) Strive to be patient, kind and understanding to everyone in our home for 1 week
2) Take on weekend or day out of town with just Daniel.
3) Read a moral, motivating self-improvement book.
4) Change something about my appearance (dye hair)
5) Go out of my way to do something special for Daniel.
6) Accept 5 compliments without apologizing or minimizing and/or give 5 heartfelt compliments
7) Overcome a fear I have... making phone calls
8) Read and article from a church magazine that addresses some aspect of good personal, mental and emotional help.

College of Theology
1) Read 6 articles from recent Ensign magazines. Write 3 new or important ideas I gained from these articles and discuss them with someone.
2) Do 5 or more temple endowments or other temple ordinances.
3) Hold Family Home Evening weekly for 2 months.
4) Pray twice a day on my knees for one month.
5) Read the scriptures for fifteen minutes at least 3 times a week for 2 months.

College of Applied Arts
1) Create a container garden. (get some planter boxes for our back yard)
2) Repair something broken in my home.
3) Clean car inside and out.

College of Business and Economics
1) Clean out and organize at least 2 closets.
2) Have a family calendar posted and use it successfully for one month.
3) Have a family council to determine 1 way each member could help to maintain or improve home conditions. Write 1 goal for each person.

College of Fine Arts
1) Attend a live symphony, music recital or dance performance.
2) Practice the piano more frequently and consistently than before.
3) Memorize 10 new art terms.

College of Home Economics- Cooking
1) Plan a weekly menu, in advance, for 4 weeks and follow it as closely as possible.
2) lean 3 new ways to use the crock-pot
3) Make a 2 crust pie
4) Have a special candlelight dinner using our nicest dishes.

College of Home Economics- Sewing
1) Sew something for myself or someone else.
2) Make curtains for living room.
3) Sew an item for a child.

College of Language Arts
1) Update our family history for the last year.
2) Write in my journal at least once a week for 3 months.
3) Spend 15 minutes a day reading to myself or a child for one week.

College of Physical Education
1)Exercise 15 minutes a day 4 times a week for a month.
2) Floss my teeth 3 times a week for 3 months
3) Go swimming

College of Social Science
1) Travel to another town and visit a historical site.
2) Read a biography or autobiography on a famous individual.
3) Buy a globe for my home.

College of Career Development
1) Get ready for my day when I get up.
2) When a conflict arises, be the peacemaker.
3) Schedule individual time for Daniel and each child.

There we have it. There are all my goals that I have set to accomplish by November. Wish me luck. Next time I am on I will let you know what I have done and what I am working on... it may be a bit much for this post!


kalinda said...

What a great idea, good luck with your degree. I love being able to see how things are in your life, your kids are adorable. Hope everything is going well in your life.

Katie said...

Ok, I know this is totally late. But what a great idea. Those are some ambitious goals. Keep us updated on them. Hope you guys are doing good!

Kathy said...

Good for you Chelsea - it sounds like something I should do too!