Here is a quick... ok not so quick... over view of the past 2-ish months since we got back here. Daniel is in his last week of classes for this term. Not this Sunday but the next Daniel will be officially finished his first half of Chiropractic school! Yay! Until then though we will be getting through a week of school and a week of 13 finals and 6 board exams. Unfortunately he was scheduled to write some boards on Sunday so by the end of that day both of us will be happy to spend the next two weeks doing nothing together!
We started Kimber on rice cereal when we got back from Christmas... umm, she didn't like it too much!
Bens also graduated his baby to solids! Some may remember him nursing his baby. It is scary how much kids learn just by watching! I am slowly learning what things I need to stop doing.
Bens got this apron and chef hat from his Grandma for Christmas. He looks so cute wearing it! He got it out himself and wanted me to put it on him!
I went to get Bens up from his nap one day and he was sleeping against the wall. Unfortunately it was dinner time so he had to get up!
Kimber's hair is getting long enough that I can start using her bows now (sadly enough I lost all but one of them!) and her bald spot is filling in. She is growing up too fast!
Bens' rule I guess is if Kimber gets a picture taken he does too. He is such a good brother and is always trying to help out!
Kimber loves to play peek-a-boo. Earlier in day she had been lifting up her shirt to hide her face!
Bens did this all on his own. I just found him after he got the diaper. He ended up saying that this one was dirty. I hid it from him but he found it and threw a good diaper away, yikes!!