Just thoughts and updates on our little family!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Birthday Time of the Year!

As today is Remembrance Day and Veteran's Day here in the States Daniel's school held a service to honor those in the military. Last week an email was sent out asking for volunteers to sing the national anthem. I volunteered (thinking after that I sure hoped it was the Canadian.. it was) and Daniel spoke. It was a nice and simple gathering. It was nice to take the time to remember. In high school I always played in the band for the Remembrance Day ceremony and have missed being a part of one since then.

Now on to some other things going on around here! It is that time of the year in our home where there are birthdays. Last weekend was my birthday and this coming weekend is Daniel's birthday. Daniel spoiled me as per usual and so now you get to see a lot of video because of it! At midnight when it turned my birthday officially he gave me my 'big' or main present which was a video camera! I was so excited I opened it right then and charged it up so I could use it. Now you get to watch a number of videos from my birthday and the past few days!

The wonderful cake that Daniel made for me. He is kinda sad that he pulled it off though because it means I want to have one every year and possibly one for Mother's Day too!

This is Teresa getting Bens to smell the cake... so cute! He was so excited to eat the cake. The first thing said to us when we got home from dinner was 'Cake. Eat Cake!'

I got Bens to say Happy Birthday Mommy earlier in the day. This was the closest we got in the evening!

Bens wanted to help me blow out the candles but as you can imagine he got a little spit into the mixture! That is what the commotion was about!

Bens enjoyed having a new toy! He is such a cute little guy... what can I say?

Bens decided Kimber needed to wear a pair of sunglasses. She is so good to put up with her brother! She does make them look so good though!

He also loves his Popple... or his baby I guess. He takes such good care of it. I have donated a bottle to him so he can feed his baby like a daddy would!

Have a wonderful end of the week and an even better weekend! I will let you know how Daniel's birthday and Donkey Basketball were next week... yes you read that right! Should be interesting to see a bunch of people try and keep their donkey's in line while the try and play basketball!


Kathy said...

Hey - where are the videos? I don't see anything except the pictures of the cake and Kimber and then just words about what is on the video.

Anonymous said...

yeah, that cake was delicious!