Just thoughts and updates on our little family!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Spring Has Sprung... Finally!

So we have finally have been able to go outside and enjoy the great outdoors! Benson and I are starting to get a healthy amount of sun. The past couple of days we have gone on 2 or 3 walks a day. We have visited Daddy at work on his breaks and visited Nana at work and even ate lunch with her yesterday.

Benson loves bubbles! The only thing he loves more is holding them and doing it himself... he hasn't successfully gotten them yet! He is a walking zombie though. I have taken him out onto the grass so he can get used to walking on the uneven ground. Bens has started venturing into standing up without holding on to anything. Sometimes he will end up looking at me upside down through his legs... what a cutie!

Bens loved "helping" Nana in her garden. He helped her mix the dirt around and put rocks in buckets. I don't know if she could have handled doing it without him!

Benson had his first bubble bath a couple weeks ago but he wasn't so sure about it! He stood there for the longest time crying before he realized this is fun. I am not sure I entirely convinced him yet!

Bens got sick as well a couple of weeks ago. We aren't positive what he had be it made for a miserable week while it was pouring outside! Nana let him sit in her bed in hopes he would be happy. You decide if it worked!! Since the last posting Benson has pushed through another molar so he is up to 12 teeth now. We are waiting for 13 and 14 to push through any day now.

Not much else has been happening here. Daniel and I are doing well. We are looking forward to vacations and enjoying the nice weather we have.


Joanne said...

i can't believe how big he is! and cute too (of course). Looks like you are having fun. you can always come and visit us sometime and have fun with his other cousins! have a great summer day.

Kylee said...

Warm weather is so great, especially with kids. It is so much fun to go on walks, and the kids love it! Those pictures from his birthday are awesome. What a cutie!

the Smiths said...

he has so many teeth I love it!