Just thoughts and updates on our little family!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Here is my try at a blog... I have never really thought about doing it before so I thought I would give it a try!

Benson has been growing up so fast. Today he ate his lunch sitting on the chairs at my parents island. He looked like such a big boy reaching on the counter to get his bun and taking a bite. It is hard to believe that he is 13 1/2 months old already. He started to walk a few weeks ago. He looks like a little zombie toddling around with his hands up in the air! He was sick last week so he reverted back to crawling and is shaky walking around now.

Daniel and I are the proud new owners of a Grand Caravan. We got it on Saturday and are happy that we have room to move us between school and home now. Even better still is that we now have a driver's side mirror! It only took 1 1/2 years to finally get one after being side swiped out in Fernie!

So we are back in Magrath for the summer working and trying to save money for school. Daniel is going into Chiropractics in the fall out in Portland and we are looking forward to moving out there. We stopped out there on our way back to Canada (we took the long way home from Provo) and loved the city. We are trying to decide where we want to live but luckily we have a few good options!


broberts said...

yeah for having a blog...and welcome to the addictive world of blogging. it sure is a great way to keep a family journal!

Joanne said...

Yay I love blogs and I'm sure I will love yours too! good luck with everything and come and visit sometime this summer ok! we have a lake a cool waterpark , museum and a great backyard for kids. hope to see a new post soon!

Jessica said...

Blogs are great! I'm excited you have one!

Nietzsche's Girl said...

Hurray! I'm so glad you are blogging! Make sure to post lots of pics!