Just thoughts and updates on our little family!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Voting Time!

Today is the day.  We are going for our ultrasound in just a couple of hours.  Get your votes in before it is all revealed!!

Here we have 1 vote for a girl and 3 votes for a boy from the kids.  Daniel and I both want a girl but Daniel got a feeling a couple months ago that is was a boy, he has yet to be wrong about one of our kids!  Because of that I think it will be a boy but I really want a girl!!  We shall see.

I guess the final tally of our family plus our Gnomie niece makes it Girls-1 and Boys-5.  Here's to the odds being wrong!!


Julie said...

For your and Kimber's sake, I hope it's a girl!

p.s. this is my third try for the dumb character recognition thing...apparently I'm not human.

Brandon and Bethany said...

Boy, I think it's a boy. I don't feel confident guessing girl. Good luck! eeee!

PS: the character recognition things are getting out of control. Just way too hard to read.

Kathy said...

I think it is a boy - that would keep us with an equal number of male/female grandkids. BUT - for your sake I hope it is a girl.